

Headless email client

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Support the dependencies of postalsys/imapapi

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HTTP-friendly error objects
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HTTP Server framework
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Templates rendering plugin support for hapi.js
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Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
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A swagger documentation UI generator plugin for hapi
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A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support.
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Advanced html to plain text converter
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Convert character encodings in pure javascript.
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A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
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A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript.
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Object schema validation
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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A markdown parser built for speed
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parse argument options
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A msgpack v5 implementation for node.js and the browser, with extension points
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Universal Javascript error reporting. Automatically detect JavaScript errors in the browser and Node.js, with plugins for React, Vue, Angular, Express, Restify and Koa.
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A Dashboard server API built on top of bull or bullmq.
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A Hapi.js server adapter for Bull-Board dashboard.
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The official Elasticsearch client for Node.js
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Third-party login plugin for hapi
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Cookie authentication plugin
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CSRF crumb generation and validation plugin
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Static file and directory handlers plugin for hapi.js
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Node.JS PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm following the PHC string format
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Manage Let's Encrypt certificates
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A JavaScript implementation of gettext, a localization framework
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Extract translatable messages from Joi
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Template language for EmailEngine
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Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
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Base 32 encodings for JavaScript
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Queue for messages and jobs based on Redis
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Convert and detect character encoding in JavaScript
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A utility that allows retrying a function with an exponential delay between attempts.
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Parse and compile gettext po and mo files to/from json, nothing more, nothing less
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Simple Bearer authentication scheme plugin for hapi, accepts token by Header, Cookie or Query parameter.
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Hapi plugin for the Pino logger
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Javascript parser for ics (rfc5545) and vcard (rfc6350) data
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IMAP Client for Node
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Encode and decode base64 encoded strings
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Encode and decode quoted printable and base64 strings
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Encode and decode quoted-printable strings according to rfc2045
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Check license info for a package
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Split email messages into an object stream
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A Node.js module for the optimized JavaScript implementation of the MurmurHash algorithms.
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A redis binary semaphore with some consistency

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Top contributors

andris9's profile
1963 contributions
github-actions[bot]'s profile
73 contributions
jhult's profile
5 contributions
kusmira's profile
3 contributions
edeuxk's profile
2 contributions
nisanthchunduru's profile
2 contributions
em411's profile
1 contributions
FabianReitz's profile
1 contributions
clayrisser's profile
1 contributions
voyc-jean's profile
1 contributions

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