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Support the dependencies of onechiporenko/ember-models-table

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Babel compiler core.
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Zero-config import from NPM packages
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Ember CLI addon for Babel
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A library for adding htmlbars to ember CLI
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This ember-cli addon eases the construction of page objects on your acceptance and integration tests
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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ESLint parser that allows for linting of experimental syntax transformed by Babel
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Compile class and object decorators to ES5
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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A set of utilities to transform strings
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Helpers for testing Ember.js applications
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Generate massive amounts of fake contextual data
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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Glimmer component library
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Glimmer property tracking library
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A base TSConfig for working with Ember.
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TypeScript definitions for ember
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/application
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/array
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/component
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/controller
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/debug
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/destroyable
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/engine
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TypeScript definitions for @ember/error
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Standardized build-time macros for ember apps.
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Utilities for app and addon authors.
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Allow Ember apps to use TypeScript files.
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Composable helpers for Ember
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Ember.js addon for lifecycle aware async tasks and DOM events.
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The extensible select component built for ember
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Utility for ember blueprints to use to modify ember-cli-build.js
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Official Ember component for Font Awesome
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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Tracked versions of JavaScript's built-in classes!
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TypeScript definitions for ember-data
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TypeScript definitions for @ember-data/adapter
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TypeScript definitions for @ember-data/model
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TypeScript definitions for @ember-data/serializer
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TypeScript definitions for @ember-data/store

Top contributors

onechiporenko's profile
255 contributions
renovate[bot]'s profile
59 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
36 contributions
Fed03's profile
7 contributions
elwayman02's profile
7 contributions
listepo's profile
7 contributions
bgantzler's profile
5 contributions
ruzz311's profile
3 contributions
sly7-7's profile
3 contributions
bmac's profile
2 contributions

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