

:key: Keychain Access for React Native

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Support the dependencies of oblador/react-native-keychain

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ESLint config for React Native
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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A framework for building native apps using React
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CLI to build JavaScript files for React Native libraries
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Default TypeScript configuration for React Native apps

Support the repos that depend on oblador/react-native-keychain

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Stub TypeScript definitions entry for react-native-keychain, which provides its own types definitions
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React native PIN code component
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Cross-platform persistent storage for ReactDOM (cookies) and React Native (keychain) apps.
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Easy Keychain Acess for React Native ( like AsyncStorage )
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Functional React Native module for authentication between a client and the keycloak server.
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React native PIN code component
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This fork is for fix bug to use external secure storage for Expo
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Artsy mobile palette.
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React Native environment for Jolocom SDK
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Kinde React Native SDK for authentication
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Kinde React Native SDK for authentication
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React Native Wrapper for ada js lib
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Functional React Native module for authentication between a client and the keycloak server.
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Typescript library and html/css bundles used to interact a the Gimly ID app to login with SSO and send and receive VCs
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Capsule Wallet for React Native
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Ramper's React Native SDK helps developers and provide access to the Blockchain through SSO for non-native crypto users.
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React native PIN code component
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React native PIN code component
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Azure AD authentication in React Native using encrypted storage
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Kinde React Native SDK for authentication
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A encryption library for ReactJS and React Native Web

Top contributors

oblador's profile
143 contributions
DorianMazur's profile
61 contributions
vonovak's profile
37 contributions
pcoltau's profile
13 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
6 contributions
john-y-pazekha's profile
4 contributions
aeirola's profile
4 contributions
petekp's profile
3 contributions
mvayngrib's profile
2 contributions
vascofg's profile
2 contributions

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