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Support the dependencies of nicoosokhan/react-unified

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Copy stuff into clipboard using JS with fallbacks
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel preset for all Flow plugins.
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Babel preset for all React plugins.
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Babel plugin for annotating automatically pure function calls.
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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A framework for building native apps using React
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Configuration and scripts for Create React App.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Rollup plugin that bundles imported css
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A responsive image cropping tool for React
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Experimental implementation of a new declarative API for gesture handling in react-native
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SVG library for react-native
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textarea component for React which grows with content
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Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized
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React components for efficiently rendering large, scrollable lists and tabular data
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InfiniteLoader component inspired by react-virtualized but for use with react-window

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