

Slush node module es6 generator

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Support the dependencies of nhz-io/slush-module

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Bump npm versions with Gulp (gulpjs.com)
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Check if files in stream conflict with those in target dir, with option to use new, keep old, show diff, etc.
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Generate a changelog using conventional-changelog.
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Plugin copying files to a new destination and using that destination for other actions
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Conditionally run a task
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Automatically install npm, bower, tsd, and pip packages/dependencies if the relative configurations are found in the gulp file stream respectively
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Gulp Plugin for Line Ending Corrector (A utility that makes sure your files have consistent line endings)
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Rename files
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Run a series of gulp tasks in order.
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Tag git repository with current package version
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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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A jsdoc plugin for Gulp
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gulp plugin for Rollup ES6 module bundler
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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Template engine consolidation for gulp
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Parse cson with gulp
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A plugin for Gulp to get an object stream of modified files on git.
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Jison plugin for gulp
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Merge multiple streams into one stream in order.
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Make a mirror of stream, it's useful that do different transform of the same stream.
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Gulp plugin for compiling PEG grammars
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Mocktail.mock() all your exports

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nhz-io's profile
20 contributions

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