

A set of TSLint rules used on some Microsoft projects.

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Support the dependencies of microsoft/tslint-microsoft-contrib

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utilities for working with typescript's AST
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TypeScript definitions for chai
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TypeScript definitions for mocha
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TypeScript definitions for node
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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Modern native Git hooks
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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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Lint files staged by git
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language
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Do you wanna use tslint and prettier without conflicts? tslint-config-prettier disables all conflicting rules that may cause such problems. Prettier takes care of formatting and tslint the rest.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.

Support the repos that depend on microsoft/tslint-microsoft-contrib

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A TSLint config for Airbnb JavaScript Style
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JSX a11y lint rules for TSLint.
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TSLint config focused on maximizing type safety
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Invisible's TSLint rules
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Secoya's TSLint rules
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TSLint config for Springworks
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Linter configs and custom TSLint rules of Tinkoff
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Infinum's TSLint rules
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TSLint configuration for Grammarly TypeScript projects
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A TSLint config for Airbnb JavaScript Style
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A plug-in for selecting the compiler used with the @microsoft/rush-stack toolchain. This version selects TypeScript 3.2.
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A TSLint config for Poetez Project
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A TSLint ruleset based on the Airbnb style guide, Prettier, and practicality
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Replicated's TSLint/Prettier config for Typescript projects
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TSLint Rules for MarsBased
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TSLint for Motorcycle.js Projects
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Typescript Lint
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The last converter you'll need
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TSLint config for ark120202
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Shared TSLint rules for Fluent UI projects
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Our tslint configurations

Top contributors

HamletDRC's profile
434 contributions
drexler's profile
56 contributions
reduckted's profile
44 contributions
t-ligu's profile
28 contributions
IllusionMH's profile
22 contributions
danielmanesku's profile
20 contributions
brndkfr's profile
12 contributions
bondz's profile
9 contributions
ipip2005's profile
9 contributions
mesaugat's profile
8 contributions

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