

A simple Node.js wrapper for youtube-dl/yt-dlp.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of microlinkhq/youtube-dl-exec

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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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Organizes and maintains your JSON files readable
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Print all contributors and add it into package.json
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Lint files staged by git
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Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json allows
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the Istanbul command line interface
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A simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git hooks for small projects
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™
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Determines if a platform is UNIX-like.
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Make a new GitHub release from git metadata.
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Ensures the working directory is clean and that there are no unpulled changes

Support the repos that depend on microlinkhq/youtube-dl-exec

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Get video property from HTML markup
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YouTube-Exec is a versatile tool for downloading audio files from YouTube videos. It utilizes the youtube-dl-exec library to extract audio details and the fluent-ffmpeg library to download the audio files in MP3 format. With youtube-exec, you can easily fetch audio details, choose the desired audio quality, and download the audio file to your specified location.
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Stream extractor for discord-player via youtube-dl
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Udacity Nanodegree/course downloader and renderer
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youtube-dl wrapper which provides progress information
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Ytee, a wrapper around youtube-download-exec and youtube-search-without-api-key
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A versatile, service-agnostic music downloader and manager
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MyTube est un outil en ligne de commande (CLI) permettant de télécharger des vidéos ou des playlists YouTube.
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Jericho Player Framework's Downloader supports youtube-dl stream data download for @discordjs/voice Audio Resource
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A command-line tool to download videos and audio from YouTube
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Stream extractor for discord-player via youtube-dl
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Reproduce tu música fácilmente, en español y sin complicaciones.
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Type definitions for Discord Bot Maker by the DBM German community.
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Stream extractor for discord-player via youtube-dl
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Converts .ts video files into .mp4 video files and combine all .ts files into single .mp4 file
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Youtube Playlist CLI
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Search the web and download video and audio
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Fetches music from Hype Machine
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M4TT72 collection of N8N nodes
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an npm package to download songs

Top contributors

Kikobeats's profile
265 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
11 contributions
Hazmi35's profile
7 contributions
skick1234's profile
3 contributions
foxscore's profile
2 contributions
JeffJassky's profile
2 contributions
bentorkington's profile
1 contributions
DjesonPV's profile
1 contributions
henriquemod's profile
1 contributions
NoPointExc's profile
1 contributions

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