

Get unified metadata from websites using Open Graph, Microdata, RDFa, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD, HTML, and more.

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of microlinkhq/metascraper

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Lint your commit messages
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Shareable commitlint config enforcing conventional commits
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Lerna-Lite CLI for the Version/Publish commands
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Publish packages in the current workspace
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output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage
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Run commands concurrently
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PostCSS gulp plugin
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Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json allows
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A simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git hooks for small projects
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JavaScript Standard Style
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Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™
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Organizes and maintains your JSON files readable
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Print all contributors and add it into package.json

Support the repos that depend on microlinkhq/metascraper

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The professional publishing platform
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Bring metascraper into live-source
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Knowledge about webpages.
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A node.js module that extracts the metadata of a URL
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Gatsby plugin to scrape link nodes and replace the link nodes to your designed summary nodes using scraped data
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Gatsby plugin to add Oepn Graph data to MarkdownRemark nodes
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turn any page into json
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Gatsby plugin that can connect with One Notion Database RECURSIVELY using official API
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TypeScript definitions for metascraper-address
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The professional publishing platform
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Opengraph scraper
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The professional publishing platform
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TypeScript definitions for @samirrayani/metascraper-shopping
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Get the title of a URL.
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This is a Tag plugin for Hexo. It provides the ability to embed photo albums from Google Photos as galleries using lightgallery.js

Top contributors

Kikobeats's profile
1807 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
56 contributions
dependabot-preview[bot]'s profile
38 contributions
goleary's profile
8 contributions
twogood's profile
4 contributions
masylum's profile
2 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
2 contributions
madwings's profile
2 contributions
slavaGanzin's profile
2 contributions
shwanton's profile
2 contributions

Recent events

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