

A collection of functions for signing and verifying data with Ethereum keys.

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Support the dependencies of metamask/eth-sig-util

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A collection of utility functions for Ethereum
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Various JavaScript/TypeScript utilities of wide relevance to the MetaMask codebase
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Secure, audited & 0-dep implementation of base64, bech32, base58, base32 & base16
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Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
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A tool for running only the dependency lifecycle hooks specified in an allowlist.
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Utilities for validating and updating "Keep a Changelog" formatted changelogs
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Shareable MetaMask ESLint config.
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Shareable MetaMask ESLint config for Jest.
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Shareable MetaMask ESLint config for Node.js.
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Shareable MetaMask ESLint config for TypeScript.
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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JSDoc linting rules for ESLint.
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Prettier package.json plugin to make the order of properties nice.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Lightweight utilities for encoding and decoding Solidity ABI
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All the cryptographic primitives used in Ethereum
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Recursive Length Prefix Encoding Module

Support the repos that depend on metamask/eth-sig-util

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Hardhat is an extensible developer tool that helps smart contract developers increase productivity by reliably bringing together the tools they want.
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A JavaScript library for composing Ethereum provider objects using middleware modules
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HD Wallet-enabled Web3 provider
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Ethereum-related json-rpc-engine middleware.
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A module for managing various keyrings of Ethereum accounts, encrypting them, and using them.
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BitGo SDK coin library for ETH base implementation
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Template project to start building IBC enabled Solidity contracts, with Hardhat and Foundry support
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Veramo plugin for working with EIP712 Verifiable Credentials & Presentations.
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Ethereum-related json-rpc-engine middleware.
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A simple standard interface for a seed phrase generated set of Ethereum accounts.
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A simple standard interface for a series of Ethereum private keys.
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Ethereum utils, such as for cryptography, address encoding/decoding, transaction building, etc.
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CollabLand Ethereum Integration
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greenfield js chain and sp sdk
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SDK to interact with GridPlus Lattice1 device
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A MetaMask compatible keyring, for trezor hardware wallets
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A MetaMask compatible keyring, for ledger hardware wallets
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A decentralized NoSQL database powered by Arweave.
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Ethereum IDE and tools for the web
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Basic packages of SubWallet

Top contributors

Gudahtt's profile
73 contributions
danfinlay's profile
63 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
29 contributions
whymarrh's profile
22 contributions
legobeat's profile
20 contributions
github-actions[bot]'s profile
18 contributions
kumavis's profile
18 contributions
cag's profile
6 contributions
ukstv's profile
6 contributions
bitpshr's profile
5 contributions

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