

The Lit Protocol SDK provides developers with a framework for implementing Lit functionality into their own applications.

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A few useful functions for signing ethereum data
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SimpleWebAuthn for Browsers
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Utilities for JSON-RPC
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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For encoding to/from base64urls
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Base 58 encoding / decoding
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Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native
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Loads environment variables from .env file
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A complete and compact Ethereum library, for dapps, wallets and any other tools.
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Create, read and edit .zip files with JavaScript
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Interface for multihash, multicodec, multibase and CID
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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This module provides native bindings to ecdsa secp256k1 functions
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Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
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Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
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Utility functions to make dealing with Uint8Arrays easier
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The eslint-plugin package is an ESLint plugin that contains a collection of recommended ESLint rule configurations which you can extend from in your own ESLint configs, as well as an Nx-specific lint rule called enforce-module-boundaries.
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The Nx Plugin for Jest contains executors and generators allowing your workspace to use the powerful Jest testing capabilities.
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The JS plugin for Nx contains executors and generators that provide the best experience for developing JavaScript and TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript types used by the @simplewebauthn series of libraries
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Parse Messages that conform to EIP-4361: Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE)
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Ethereum Provider for WalletConnect Protocol
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Client-side Bitcoin JavaScript library
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A Minimalist DateTime utility for Node.js and the browser
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Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs
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Parse dotenv files for Boolean, Array, and Number variable types, built for CrocodileJS
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with Ethereum
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String encoding utilitlies extracted from TweetNaCl.js
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The Linter plugin for Nx contains executors, generators and utilities used for linting JavaScript/TypeScript projects within an Nx workspace.

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Ansonhkg's profile
1284 contributions
FedericoAmura's profile
236 contributions
MaximusHaximus's profile
223 contributions
glitch003's profile
191 contributions
DashKash54's profile
155 contributions
spacesailor24's profile
64 contributions
sarahzdev's profile
37 contributions
cairomassimo's profile
20 contributions
hwrdtm's profile
18 contributions

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