

Auto-preload multiple relationships when retrieving Lucid models

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Support the dependencies of melchyore/adonis-auto-preload

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Core of AdonisJS
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Polyfill for Metadata Reflection API
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MRM preset used by adonisjs for all core packages
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Runner for Japa testing framework
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Git commit, but play nice with conventions.
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Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Synchronise your GitHub labels with as few destructive operations as possible
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Modern native Git hooks
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Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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SQL ORM built on top of Active Record pattern
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In memory typescript compiler
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Assertion package built on top of Jest expect
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Preset for AdonisJS
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Development utilities
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Preset files to be extended by tsconfig and tslint.json
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ESlint rules for AdonisJs applications and addons
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HTML Pretty error stack viewer
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Show youch error on terminal

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