

A cross-platform streaming parser for the ESRI Shapefile spatial data format.

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Support the dependencies of mbostock/shapefile

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the complete solution for node.js command-line programs
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Read arrays as standard WhatWG streams.
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Read files in Node, or fetch URLs in browser, as standard WhatWG streams.
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A readable stream reader that reads a desired number of bytes.
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Read binary streams in chunks, on demand, with promises.
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Polyfill for the Encoding Living Standard's API.
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Generate a tiny preamble from a package.json.

Support the repos that depend on mbostock/shapefile

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Compact binary encoding for geographic data
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A library for reading in and writing out data in Node.js.
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Node.js library for normalized data storage access and streaming transfers.
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Streaming shapefile parser
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Opinionated geo utilities for day to day development
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convert geojson to shapefile and backwards
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SuperMap iClient for Vue.js
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A simple utility for SQL-like joins with Json or GeoJson data in Node, the browser and on the command line. Also creates join reports so you can know how successful a given join was.
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A set of common libraries used to develop NYC mapping applications
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Shapefile reader for Node.js, reads a folder and returns a JSON with the data of the shapefiles
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Convert shapefile contents to sketches and upload to the SeaSketch database
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Convert shapefiles to STL 3D models
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editor for location insight
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GeoJSON Module

Top contributors

mbostock's profile
197 contributions
DenisCarriere's profile
1 contributions
jasondavies's profile
1 contributions
frogcat's profile
1 contributions
mhall2's profile
1 contributions
mhkeller's profile
1 contributions

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