

pseudo-random 2D noise for glslify

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Support the dependencies of mattdesl/glsl-random

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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
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browser-side require() the node way
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compiles a WebGL shader

Support the repos that depend on mattdesl/glsl-random

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ThreeD Garden: WebGL 3D Environment Interface for Next.JS React TypeScript Three.JS React-Three Physics, 2D Paper.JS, APIs: WordPress, Apollo GraphQL, Leva Control GUI, Radix-UI, Tailwind CSS, FarmBot React 3D (Beta), Open AI
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a soft gradient background in WebGL
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React + TypeScript + ThreeJS app using Material UI on NextJS, Apollo Client, GraphQL + WordPress REST APIs, for ThreeD web development.. a part of the code family.
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Draws a skydome with a sun into a 3D scene.
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a blur effect based on random hash offset
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'threed-ai' supporting Vite, Next, Nuxt, as a functioning, low-dependency app, a package supporting monorepos of workspaces that utilize 'ThreeJS, WebGL, React, TypeScript <r3Fiber>, GraphQL'.
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Minimal WebGL library

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mattdesl's profile
29 contributions

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