

a WebGL texture interface

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Support the dependencies of mattdesl/glo-texture

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browser-side require() the node way
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Pipe your JavaScript into a browser, logging console output in Node
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Check if an object is an array or a typed array
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return the first argument that is `!== undefined`
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Quickly pack a nested 2D array into a typed array – useful for flattening point data into a WebGL-friendly format
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tiny util for making enumerable properties
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Return a data type from a string representing the type
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turns a gl type into a dtype string
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whether a number is power of two
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one no-op function to rule them all
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baboon test image as base64 data URI
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gets canvas context by name
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util.inherits without the cruft
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Convert any dom tree to an image element
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gets a WebGLRenderingContext
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test whether an object is a DOM image or canvas
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gets RGBA pixels from gl-texture2d

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