

Utilities for sketching in Canvas, WebGL and generative art

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Support the dependencies of mattdesl/canvas-sketch-util

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deep cloning of objects and arrays
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Serialize Canvas path commands to SVG.
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return the first argument that is `!== undefined`
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Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js
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All the goodness of `feross/standard` with semicolons sprinkled on top.
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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redefine an svg path with absolute coordinates
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Test if two floats are almost equal
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whether two number arrays are almost equal
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bare-bones color luminance functions
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Converts a distance unit (e.g. m) to another (e.g. cm)
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converts [H,S,L] to [R,G,B]
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converts [R,G,B] to [H,S,L]
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A fast polyline and polygon clipping library.
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Convert all segments in a path to curves
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parse a css color string (plus hsv and cmyk) into an object
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svg path parser
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an indexed quad mesh with normals and UVs
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regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
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Generate random numbers with a seed, useful for reproducible tests
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simplex-noise is a fast simplex noise implementation in Javascript. Works in node and in the browser.
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gets 2D contours from an SVG path

Support the repos that depend on mattdesl/canvas-sketch-util

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Create and save a gcode file in browser via javascript
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a renderer for the bitframes artwork
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Wrap the canvas context to replicate it in a gcode file
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Jest snapshot matcher to generate screenshots of your layout tests.
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A library for generating random looking Hamiltonian paths (aka self-avoiding walks) on a 3D grid
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Customisable text shuffling animations.
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Tools for collections of colors
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🌈🎨 Generative Art is the idea realized as genetic code of artificial events, as construction of dynamic complex systems able to generate endless variations. This is also a nuxt-module (@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch) - [three.js, tensorflow.js and gsap are not included].

Top contributors

mattdesl's profile
55 contributions
madjidtaha's profile
2 contributions
Jinksi's profile
1 contributions
Mamboleoo's profile
1 contributions
pbeshai's profile
1 contributions

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