

return the given number or a default value

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Support the dependencies of mattdesl/as-number

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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers

Support the repos that depend on mattdesl/as-number

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word-wraps and lays out text glyphs
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triangulates a 2D polyline into a stroke
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A graphics system born for visualization.
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writes BMFont object to a binary Buffer
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2D and 3D verlet integration
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lists your dependencies in a nice way
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word-wraps and lays out text glyphs
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quick harness for viewing a mesh with orbit viewer
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randomly delaunay-triangulates an image
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word-wraps and lays out text glyphs - fork of layout-bmfont-text
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gets the nearest cafe to the given lat/long
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word-wraps and lays out text glyphs
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generate a signed distance field from an image
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word-wraps and lays out text glyphs - without unsafe eval
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SDF text rendering for ThreeJS
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bouncy scrolling utility for WebGL/Canvas

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