

HoverCards is a chrome extension that lets you see what's behind links from youtube, twitter, reddit, soundcloud, imgur, & instagram — all with out ever leaving the web page you're currently on.

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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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Utility to automatically link the URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, hashtags, and mentions (Twitter, Instagram) in a given block of text/HTML
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The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
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A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
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Build Better APIs, Faster than Ever.
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Common error types for feathers apps
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A human-friendly standard for Flux action objects
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help secure Express/Connect apps with various HTTP headers
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Simple Instagram driver for Node.js
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
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Twitter authentication strategy for Passport.
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A standalone (Node.js) client for Sentry
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JavaScript client for Sentry
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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Official React bindings for Redux
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A modern, high performance Redis client
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Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
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Flux Standard Action utlities for Redux
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Thunk middleware for Redux.
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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Selectors for Redux.
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A minimal and complete JavaScript driver for the Reddit API.
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A robust & optimized `String.prototype.endsWith` polyfill, based on the ECMAScript 6 specification.
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Twitter API client for node (REST & Streaming)
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
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A node module for Google's Universal Analytics tracking
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URI.js is a Javascript library for working with URLs.
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babel module loader for webpack
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
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A webpack plugin to remove/clean your build folder(s).
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lcov posting to codecov.io
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Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format.

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saiichihashimoto's profile
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cameronrohani's profile
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greenkeeperio-bot's profile
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teamkogg's profile
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