

Public monorepo of tools, services and atomic UI components within the fozzie ecosystem

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Support the dependencies of justeattakeaway/fozzie-components

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A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects
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Babel command line.
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ESLint parser that allows for linting of experimental syntax transformed by Babel
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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Transform optional chaining operators into a series of nil checks
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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babel-preset-app for vue-cli
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babel plugin for vue-cli
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local service for vue-cli projects
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A WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
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Wrapper to install Allure-commandline via NPM
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Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
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babel module loader for webpack
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Keep watch of your bundle size
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ChromeDriver for Selenium
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Unit tests for Team Culture
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Resolve paths to dependencies, given a webpack.config.js. Plugin for eslint-plugin-import.
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Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
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Modern native Git hooks
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Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass
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Parameterized test utility for Mocha
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A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.
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UI Web Framework for the Just Eat Global Platform
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unit-jest plugin for vue-cli
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eslint-config-standard for Vue.js projects
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WebdriverIO testrunner command line interface
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A WebdriverIO runner to run tests locally
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A WebdriverIO plugin to report in spec style
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Just Eat's JS ESLint config, which follows our styleguide
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Shareable Stylelint config for use with Fozzie – Just Eats UI Component Framework
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WebdriverIO client library for visual testing with Percy
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A WebdriverIO reporter plugin to create Allure Test Reports
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Just Eat's Browserslist config used in UI packages
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An eslint plugin for checking Vue.js files for accessibility
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Sass modules for npm.
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Webpack plugin to automatically add a library's peerDependencies to its bundle's externals.

Support the repos that depend on justeattakeaway/fozzie-components

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a zero configuration discovery service written completely in Javascript
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Ship all kinds of services
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Collection of raaghu-elements
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docker registry server implemented in node
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A very simple MongoDB RESTful proxy
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Spawn and expose docker containers over http and websockets
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Rundfunk is zero-conf distributed event emitter
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An http client that leverages ES6 decorators to design clean and versatile HTTP api

Top contributors

ashleynolan's profile
153 contributions
siggerzz's profile
151 contributions
kevinrodrigues's profile
148 contributions
FayeCarter's profile
140 contributions
xander-marjoram's profile
135 contributions
oliversweb's profile
132 contributions
dandel10n's profile
104 contributions
LTurns's profile
93 contributions
matthewhardern's profile
89 contributions
jamieomaguire's profile
77 contributions

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