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[DEPRECATED] Use ipfs-message-port-server/client instead:

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Support the dependencies of ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-postmsg-proxy

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A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
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CID Implementation in JavaScript
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multiaddr implementation (binary + string representation of network addresses)
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IPFS Peer Id implementation in Node.js
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IPFS Peer abstraction JavaScript implementation
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a deferred source, sink or through pull-stream
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minimal pull stream
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Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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browser-side require() the node way
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JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification
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Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.
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A fast browserify integration for Karma that handles large projects with ease
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A Karma plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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the Istanbul command line interface
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A pure JS implementation of the structured clone algorithm (or at least something pretty close to that)
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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JavaScript Standard Style
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watch mode for browserify builds
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backwards compatibilify your callback functions while migrating apis to promises
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JavaScript Implementation of IPFS Block
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JavaScript Implementation of the MerkleDAG Node in Protobuf.
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Tiny RPC over window.postMessage library
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Alter arguments and return values before and after a function is called
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a pull-stream which may be aborted
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Pull streams over window.postMessage
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convert a stream1 or streams2 stream into a pull-stream
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Install the latest go-ipfs binary
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generate random IDs and avoid collisions
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A test suite and interface you can use to implement a IPFS core interface.
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Spawn IPFS Daemons, Kubo or...

Support the repos that depend on ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-postmsg-proxy

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Interact with user data
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Interact with user data
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IPFS gateway fully running on a service worker

Top contributors

alanshaw's profile
203 contributions
lidel's profile
3 contributions

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