

Provoker of good emotions.

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Support the dependencies of hubots/fubot

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An arbitrary length integer library for Javascript
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The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
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Forgiving HTML/XML/RSS Parser in JS for *both* Node and Browsers
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A simple helpful robot for your Company
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hubot scripts for diagnosing hubot
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Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.
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Convert text to ASCII
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Fork of hubot campfire-adapter that use custom REST API.
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A hubot script that interacts with the Google Images API.
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A hubot script to show available hubot commands
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Allows Hubot to know many languages using Google Translate
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Pugme is the most important hubot script
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A hubot script that keeps the hubot Heroko web dyno alive
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A hubot script to persist hubot's brain using redis
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A Hubot script for searching maps and directions
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A hubot script that explains the rules
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Allows you to opt in to a variety of scripts
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A Hubot script that returns a random 9gag meme image
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A hubot script that provides easy access to the shipit squirrel and its kin

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sergeyt's profile
20 contributions

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