

GatsbyJS source plugin for Eventbrite

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Support the dependencies of gatsbycentral/gatsby-source-eventbrite

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babel's modular runtime helpers
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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
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Transforms nested values of complex objects
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Wrapper of the Sharp image manipulation library for Gatsby plugins
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Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.
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A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit
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Automated semver compliant package publishing
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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Babel command line
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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Transform optional chaining operators into a series of nil checks
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Externalise references to helpers and builtins, automatically polyfilling your code without polluting globals
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel preset for all React plugins.
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Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
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Run a deployment script only once in the Travis test matrix
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Convert img or svg to base64, or convert base64 to img
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Babel preset for all Flow plugins.

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Top contributors

isabellachen's profile
9 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
5 contributions
andrewfulton's profile
2 contributions

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