

Easy theming and composition for CSS Modules.

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Support the dependencies of friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr

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Copies non-react specific statics from a child component to a parent component
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Babel command line.
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Babel compiler core.
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This plugin transforms static class properties as well as properties declared with the property initializer syntax
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Compile class and object decorators to ES5
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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Babel preset for all React plugins.
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semantic-release plugin to create or update a changelog file
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semantic-release plugin to commit release assets to the project's git repository
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semantic-release plugin to generate changelog content with conventional-changelog
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TypeScript definitions for react
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Custom parser for ESLint
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Git commit, but play nice with conventions.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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React specific linting rules for ESLint
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Automated semver compliant package publishing
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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Run a deployment script only once in the Travis test matrix
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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ESLint preset for conventional-changelog.

Support the repos that depend on friendsofreactjs/react-css-themr

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Emgage's UI Component Library for React.
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A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules.

Top contributors

markusguenther's profile
157 contributions
javivelasco's profile
76 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
26 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
24 contributions
semantic-release-bot's profile
16 contributions
raveclassic's profile
15 contributions
denisborovikov's profile
5 contributions
CptLemming's profile
4 contributions
istarkov's profile
4 contributions
idangozlan's profile
2 contributions

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