

vue3.0 移动端组件库

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Support the dependencies of foneqinrf/fone-vvmui

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Syntax highlighting with language autodetection.
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Markdown for Vite
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The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for lodash
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Jest plugin to use babel for transformation.
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Run commands concurrently
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Airbnb's base JS ESLint config, following our styleguide
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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Official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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PostCSS gulp plugin
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Watch, that actually is an endless stream
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Modern native Git hooks
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Lint files staged by git
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A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Native-ESM powered web dev build tool
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eslint-config-prettier for create-vue
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ESLint config for TypeScript + Vue.js projects
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A CSS post-processor that converts px to viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax).
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A PostCSS plugin to fix an element's dimensions to an aspect ratio.
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Jest Vue transform

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93 contributions

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