

Wdio-workflo is a framework for writing behavior-driven automated functional system tests in TypeScript.

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Support the dependencies of flohil/wdio-workflo

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TypeScript definitions for jasmine
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TypeScript definitions for lodash
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Launch latest Chrome with the Devtools Protocol port open
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JSON does not handle circular references. This version does
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get colors in your node.js console
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Turns async function into sync via JavaScript wrapper of Node event loop
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A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects
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Embedded JavaScript templates
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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A handy command line interface for gulp
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A typescript compiler for gulp with incremental compilation support.
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Gulp plugin to run a local webserver with LiveReload
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Fast & forgiving HTML/XML parser
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A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
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Reporters for the Jasmine BDD Framework
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JSON for Humans
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Easily read/write JSON files.
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Simple monitor script for use during development of a Node.js app.
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Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
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Node.JS path module
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installs a `selenium-standalone` command line to install and start a standalone selenium server
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borderless text tables with alignment
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TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
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Load node modules according to tsconfig paths, in run-time or via API.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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Stub TypeScript definitions entry for jasmine-expect, which provides its own types definitions
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TypeScript definitions for selenium-standalone
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Stub TypeScript definitions entry for WebdriverIO, which provides its own types definitions
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Wrapper to install Allure-commandline via NPM
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Javascript utility for calculating deep difference, capturing changes, and applying changes across objects; for nodejs and the browser.
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recursively Object.freeze() objects and functions
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custom failure message on any jasmine assertion
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A simple Node.js module to check if a TCP port is already bound.
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WebdriverIO service to start & stop Selenium Standalone
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This is a customized version of wdio-workflo-allure-reporter for use with workflo framework.
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This is a customized version of wdio-jasmine-framework for use with workflo framework.
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This is a customized version of wdio-spec-reporter for use with workflo framework.
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This is a customized version of webdriverio for use with workflo framework.

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