

JSON does not handle circular references. Now it does

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Support the dependencies of webreflection/circular-json

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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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A tiny static files serving handler
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A little test utility

Support the repos that depend on webreflection/circular-json

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A simple mocking library for TypeScript
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A debugging library for RxJS
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Part of firedev.io - framework for isomorphic (node/angular) apps
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Run mocha tests in parallel
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A Metalsmith plugin to write the metadata as json files to the filesystem.
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ESF Utility Module
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A full-featured development framework for containers and serverless
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Decorators and tools for AWS Lambda
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munan-cli 脚手架工具包
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An npm module and which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML (angular) with screenshots
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Gulp plugin that parses Swagger specs in JSON or YAML format, validates against the official Swagger 2.0 schema, dereferences all $ref pointers, including pointers to external files and generates client-side API code.
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winston as source to kafka connector
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Lightweight jedi utility toolbelt
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Whitesource Node Module
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Logger based on the Chain of Responsibility pattern
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Caching module for sequelize queries
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The simplest, most extendible schema class you will ever come across
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Парсер WSDL-сервиса
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⚡ Core Node for blitz.js framework
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⚡ API Node for the blitz-js framework
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No nonsense protocol buffers schema parser written in Javascript, fork from https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers-schema add proto description support
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A generator of mock file base on swagger yaml or JSON
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Mathematical expressions can be understood and represented as a tree con-sisting of functions (non-leaf nodes) and their arguments (child nodes of function nodes). Such expression trees are an important concept to store and process mathematical expressions as well as the most frequently used visual-ization of the structure of mathematical expressions. Typically, researchers visualize expression trees using general purpose tools that are not optimized for mathematics. This approach is laborious, redundant if mathematical ex-pressions are available in a structured markup, such as MathML, and error-prone, since the visualization represents a researcher’s notion of what the markup of an expression should be, but not necessarily what the actual markup is. In this paper, we present VET – a tool to automatically visualize mathematical expression trees from parallel MathML. Additionally, we pre-sent a demo application to convert LaTeX input to parallel MathML, which is then visualized using VET. By visualizing the actual markup of mathematical expressions, VET enables content providers to quickly spot problems in the content MathML markup that do not affect the presentation of the expres-sion. Identifying such discrepancies previously required reading the verbose and complex parallel MathML markup. VET also allows to visualize similar and identical elements of two expressions using arbitrary similarity measures. Visualizing expression similarity shall support developers in designing re-trieval approaches and enable improved interaction concepts for users of mathematical information retrieval systems. The similarity visualization al-lows designers and users of such systems to inspect the reasoning of a simi-larity measure, rather than exclusively being provided with a scalar similarity score as is the case for most current retrieval systems.
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Get a worker or spawned node process to which you can talk to using a message channel.
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A react flow chart component
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Stringify JSON structure properly.

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WebReflection's profile
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fuzzyducky's profile
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platinumazure's profile
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