

Fleetbase UI & Layout Library for Ember.js

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Support the dependencies of fleetbase/ember-ui

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Babel compiler core.
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A set of utilities to transform strings
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Standardized build-time macros for ember apps.
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Updated port of the great accounting.js library to ES6 modules that integrates seamlessly with ember-cli
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Floating UI for the web
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Official Ember component for Font Awesome
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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The iconic font, CSS, and SVG framework
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FullCalendar core package for rendering a calendar
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Display events on a month view or "day grid" view
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Calendar functionality for event drag-n-drop, event resizing, date clicking, and date selecting
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The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
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headless rich text editor
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text color extension for tiptap
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highlight extension for tiptap
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image extension for tiptap
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placeholder extension for tiptap
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subscript extension for tiptap
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superscript extension for tiptap
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table extension for tiptap
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table cell extension for tiptap
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table cell extension for tiptap
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table row extension for tiptap
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text align extension for tiptap
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text style extension for tiptap
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underline extension for tiptap
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prosemirror wrapper package for tiptap
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starter kit for tiptap
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Lightweight, dependency free, fast, customizable datepicker written in pure JavaScript. ![air datepicker image](https://github.com/t1m0n/air-datepicker/raw/master/docs/img/promo-img.png)
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autoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library that provides live *as-you-type* formatting for international numbers and currencies. It supports most international numeric formats and currencies including those used in Europe, Asia, and North and South America.
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Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element.
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Chart.js adapter to use date-fns for time functionalities
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Modern JavaScript date utility library
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Core animation primitives for Ember
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Zero-config import from NPM packages
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The basic dropdown that your ember app needs
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Ember CLI addon for Babel
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A library for adding htmlbars to ember CLI
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Use postcss to process your css with a large selection of JavaScript plug-ins.
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Composable helpers for Ember
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Improved concurrency/async primitives for Ember.js
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font family extension for tiptap
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a youtube embed extension for tiptap
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Simple authorization addon for Ember apps

Support the repos that depend on this repository

Top contributors

roncodes's profile
315 contributions
shivthakker's profile
293 contributions
doljko's profile
15 contributions
TemuulenBM's profile
14 contributions
shoboske's profile
2 contributions
ember-tomster's profile
1 contributions

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