

pull-stream interface to levelup

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Support the dependencies of dominictarr/pull-level

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concatenate pull-streams
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minimal pull stream
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convert a stream1 or streams2 stream into a pull-stream
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Universal abstract-level database for Node.js and browsers
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partition levelup databases
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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pull-stream with a push interface

Support the repos that depend on dominictarr/pull-level

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partition levelup databases
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blobs and blob replication for ssb
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A new database for SSB
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a flumeview on level
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a secure, replicatable database
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universal search for leveldb
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a secure, reliable, offlineable cache for npmd
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flumeview-level, but for ssb-revisions
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scuttlebutt style replication for level-*
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🎛 Core contracts for Xswap V2 protocol
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🎛 Core contracts for Elite Swap V2 protocol
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Application-provided indexer code running in a quickjs sandox inside a worker_thread
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Scuttlebot plugin for fetching messages as threads
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Index and share media files peer-to-peer using kappa-core
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in memory view on top of level.
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search your leveldb from the query string
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Proxy contract for the Materia protocol
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a scuttlebutt (secret-stack) plugin which adds envelope encryption capabilities
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Secure Encrypted LevelDB storage for @pluto-encrypted/database
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scuttlebot rpc methods for accessing the log from the phoenix gui
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ssb-db2 plugin for about messages related to the author
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📖 Solidity libraries that are shared across Bullswap contracts
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leveldb indexes for properties of items at or anywhere below a point in a materialized path
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A leveldb powered registry for immutable versioned things (beer, powder, etc)
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🎛 Core contracts for the Venom exchanges
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LevelUP wrapper for versioned and syncable storage

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dominictarr's profile
87 contributions

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