

BasePlugin class for DocPad

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Give eachr an item to iterate (array, object or map) and an iterator, then in return eachr gives iterator the value and key of each item, and will stop if the iterator returned false.
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An extended Error class that envelops a parent error, such that the stack trace contains the causation
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Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)
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Common utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easier
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Bevry's ESLint configuration is an adaptive configuration that automatically configures ESLint.
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Runs prettier as an eslint rule
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An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
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Kava has been powering accurate test suites for Node.js and Web Browsers since 2012.
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Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!
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Check whether or not a directory and its descendants are valid
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Utilities for cloning, extending, and de-referencing objects in shallow, deep, and safe ways
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Update the package.json author, contributors, and maintainers fields with the latest remote data
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Static Web Publishing

Support the repos that depend on docpad/docpad-baseplugin

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DocPad is a dynamic static site generator. Write your content as files, or import your content from other external sources. Render the content with plugins. And deploy your static or dynamic website to your favourite hosting provider.
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Automatically refreshes your website whenever a rengeration is performed
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Adds support for CoffeeKup compilation to DocPad
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Adds support for the Handlebars templating engine to DocPad.
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Adds support for Partials (re-usable templates) to DocPad
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Adds support for CoffeeScript to JavaScript compilation to DocPad
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Adds support for the Move to javascript language to DocPad.
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Adds support for the Sass CSS pre-processor to DocPad using node-sass
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Use the serve plugin to provide your DocPad out directory to localhost
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DocPad plugin which automatically creates a sitemap.xml file from HTML file output.
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DocPad plugin that fetches any associated files for our particular document
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Template engine consolidation plugin for DocPad.
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Adds support for the Hogan templating engine to DocPad.
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Adds support for the LESS CSS pre-processor to DocPad
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Adds support for the HAML templating engine to DocPad.
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Adds support for LiveScript to JavaScript compilation to DocPad
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Docpad plugin that enables multiple layouts per document
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DocPad plugin that adds the ability to render Something to Something Else
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Adds support for the Eco templating engine to DocPad.
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Clone or update repositories into your DocPad website before generation
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Adds super simple support for many 3rd party services to DocPad
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DocPad plugin to change URL of asset files to contain hash of contents, allowing for effective caching whilst enabling cache busting when contents change
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Browserify your documents by adding the `browserify: true` meta data
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Caches remote resources locally
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Adds support for clean URLs to DocPad
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Adds support for the Pug templating engine to DocPad.
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Adds support for the Styl Rework CSS pre-processor to DocPad
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Create tag pages within DocPad
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Allows you to render variables within `templateData` using text elements
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Wrap specified JavaScript documents in the Universal Module Definition (UMD) allowing them to run in AMD, Require.js, CommonJS/Node.js, Ender and Vanilla environments automatically
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Add browser/vendor prefixes to your stylesheets automatically, so you don't have to!
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Adds support for CSON to JSON compilation to DocPad
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Download (and optionally extract) files into your project before your project starts generating
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Allows you to easily embed GitHub Gists into your DocPad documents
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Markdown rendering for DocPad, using Marked
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DocPad plugin that copies /raw directory to /out

Top contributors

dependabot[bot]'s profile
43 contributions
balupton's profile
16 contributions

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