

Simple transformer YFM (Yandex Flavored Markdown) to HTML.

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Support the dependencies of diplodoc-platform/transform

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The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
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CSS parser / stringifier
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A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
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A collection of markdownlint helper functions for custom rules
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Clean up user-submitted HTML, preserving allowlisted elements and allowlisted attributes on a per-element basis
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Slugifies a String
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Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
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diplodoc TypeScript config for our projects
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TypeScript definitions for jest
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TypeScript definitions for js-yaml
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TypeScript definitions for lodash
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TypeScript definitions for markdown-it
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for sanitize-html
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An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier.
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Syntax highlighting with language autodetection.
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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Jest snapshot serializer that beautifies HTML.
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Convert modern CSS into something browsers understand
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Cut extension for Diplodoc platform
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Sanitize untrusted CSS with a configuration specified by a Whitelist. 根据白名单过滤CSS
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Generate a slug just like GitHub does for markdown headings.
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diplodoc Babel preset
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TypeScript definitions for css
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TypeScript definitions for markdown-it-attrs
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esbuild plugin for sass/scss files supporting both css loader and css result import (lit-element)
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TypeScript package which smartly trims and strips indentation from multi-line strings
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Polyfill for the new Node method getRootNode

Support the repos that depend on this repository

Top contributors

burashka's profile
406 contributions
yfm-team's profile
161 contributions
yc-ui-bot's profile
133 contributions
yndx-birman's profile
107 contributions
amje's profile
85 contributions
smsochneg's profile
43 contributions
v8tenko's profile
37 contributions
3y3's profile
35 contributions
moki's profile
34 contributions
d3m1d0v's profile
33 contributions

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