

Packet-Oriented Framework for ES6 and Express.

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the complete solution for node.js command-line programs
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Hogan.js NPM package for express 3.x
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A clean, whitespace-sensitive template language for writing HTML
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LESS.js middleware for connect.
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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Mongoose MongoDB ODM
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Simplified HTTP request client.
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string contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla JavaScript string such as escaping html, decoding html entities, stripping tags, etc.
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Robust, expressive, and feature-rich CSS superset
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
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BDD style assertions for node and the browser.
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A grunt task for running server side mocha tests
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Express 3.x locals for layout, partial and blocks.
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An ES6 Module Loader shim
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ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
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Extension of fs module.
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Helper functions for ES6 promises
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ES6 to ES5 compiler
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Utility for working with Closure Templates, aka Soy, from within a node.js application.

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marian2js's profile
155 contributions
codexar's profile
1 contributions

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