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Support the dependencies of pghalliday/grunt-mocha-test

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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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Unfancy JavaScript
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The JavaScript Task Runner
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Grunt task to load coverage results and submit them to
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging and stuff.
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A grunt plugin to force other tasks to continue after failures
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Specify an ENV configuration for future tasks in the chain
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JavaScript codecoverage tool for Grunt
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A grunt plugin to enforce coverage thresholds from istanbul coverage objects.

Support the repos that depend on pghalliday/grunt-mocha-test

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MVC Framework for R2 Platform based on RSpineJS
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Creates a summary for articles
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Grunt tasks & configs shared across all dalek projects
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Wrapping deployment to AWS via CloudFormation template.
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For the tedious destruction of AWS CloudWatch resources, especially relating to AWS Lambda.
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Node.js app for slicing and dicing ~100,000 models in <5ms with easy sorting, paginating, and filtering.
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Includes mocha tests, jslint and soon more
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npm module for keeping counters and taking averaged samples of their values at intervals
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Rally authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js
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Set of libraries and Grunt tasks commonly used in Node.js projects.
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JavaScript adaptation of Ruby's method_missing and PHP's __call without using Harmony's Proxy/Firefox's __noSuchMethod.
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Monacoin Library
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Foundation for creating ExpressJS Applications with TypeScript
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Reusable grunt configurations for client side javascript libraries.
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Your personnal assistant, always here.
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Document content extraction using tika
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JS logging client
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FakeXrmEasy.Js or Dynamics CE v9
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Add globbing to your HTML
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grunt scaffolding for reusable modules
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an unassuming library for creating JavaScript models
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Configurable stratum-to-stratum proxy for switching cryptocurrency miners from one coin/pool to another transparently
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Content made easy peasy ✌
Account's avatar Nibble - The multi-platform mobile device simulator for desktop using NodeJS.

Top contributors

pghalliday's profile
199 contributions
shinnn's profile
11 contributions
arthurschreiber's profile
3 contributions
ianwremmel's profile
2 contributions
frekw's profile
2 contributions
LadnovSasha's profile
2 contributions
LarsHassler's profile
2 contributions
itaylor's profile
2 contributions
dy-dx's profile
2 contributions
polarblau's profile
1 contributions

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