

A ionic v5 and Angular 8 desktop and mobile chat

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Support the dependencies of chat21/chat21-ionic

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Angular - animations integration with web-animations
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Angular Material Component Development Kit
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Angular - commonly needed directives and services
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Angular - the core framework
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Angular - directives and services for creating forms
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Angular - the http service
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Angular Material
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser
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Angular - library for using Angular in a web browser with JIT compilation
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Angular - the routing library
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Standard library
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Firebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js
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A markdown parser built for speed
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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Parse and display moments in any timezone.
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Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
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Angular specific wrappers for @ionic/core
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Ionic Storage Helper
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Dist for Material Design Webfont. This includes the Stock and Community icons in a single webfont collection.
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Moment.JS pipes for Angular2 (timeago and more)
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Utility to automatically link the URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, hashtags, and mentions (Twitter, Instagram) in a given block of text/HTML
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cordova-android release
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cordova-browser release
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cordova-ios release
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Cordova file chooser plugin
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Ionic Web View Engine Plugin
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Cordova Network Information Plugin
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Cordova Splashscreen Plugin
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Cordova StatusBar Plugin
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Cordova Whitelist Plugin
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This tool will crop and resize PNG source images into appropriate sizes for modern iOS and Android devices.
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Material Design icons by Google
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Detects active internet connection, and API server status in Angular application.
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Angular V7 wrapper for linkifyjs - library for finding links in plain text and converting them to HTML <a> tags via linkifyjs
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Angular wrapper library for Perfect Scrollbar

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Top contributors

dariodepa75's profile
179 contributions
gab-95's profile
147 contributions
andrealeo83's profile
110 contributions
stefanodp91's profile
104 contributions
dariodepa's profile
75 contributions
sponzillo's profile
65 contributions
alessandro-giovinazzo's profile
2 contributions
nicolan74's profile
1 contributions

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