

helper functions

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Support the dependencies of c0des1gn/nuudel-utils

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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
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JavaScript library of crypto standards.
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A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries
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Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
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TypeScript definitions for crypto-js
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TypeScript definitions for react-test-renderer
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TypeScript plugin for ESLint
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An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree
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Uploading report to Codecov: https://codecov.io
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A Spelling Checker for Code!
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Additional ESLint rules for ESLint directive comments.
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Publish to a gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch on any other remote)
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the Istanbul command line interface
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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React package for working with the DOM.
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React package for snapshot testing.
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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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ESLint rules to promote functional programming in TypeScript.

Support the repos that depend on c0des1gn/nuudel-utils

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React-native components for Nuudel
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Web components for react with material UI

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