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Support the dependencies of bluelovers/novel-opds-now

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old typescript api for fast-glob
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Get unique values of an array. Really, like deeply unique.
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Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance
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Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native
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a async version for cross-spawn and make it return like as sync return
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colorize console log, this module can work with require('debug')
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ipfs-http-client with auto search go-ipfs, js-ipfs
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Create and parse Content-Disposition header
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Convert string to safe filename
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讀寫分析 novel-stat.json
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cached dmzj api data
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cached esjzone fake api like data
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cached fake api like data
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cached wenku8 fake api like data
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node-novel core module
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An AbortController that aborts after a specified timeout
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turn Bluebird.allSettled to Promise.allSettled
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create Calibre OPDS service for ePub reader
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CID Implementation in JavaScript
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convert chinese, japanese 簡繁日漢字轉換 ( merge/split submodule from node-novel, regexp-cjk, str-util )
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A set of object mutators with dot paths and one neat addition...
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env value to JS value, check env val is boolean or others
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Easily create epub files with javascript
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Create an error with a code
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ExpressJS/Connect/TrinteJS user-agent middleware exposing
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Find free port synchronously, useful when you need to get the port directly without callback.

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bluelovers's profile
538 contributions
actions-user's profile
5 contributions
copyliu's profile
1 contributions

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