

Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API

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Support the dependencies of benjamn/ast-types

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A JavaScript parser
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ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
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Facebook-specific fork of the esprima project
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Enable ECMAScript 2015 modules in Node today. No caveats. Full stop.

Support the repos that depend on benjamn/ast-types

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JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator
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Compiles sync functions into async generator functions
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React components style guide generator
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Workflow base code of n8n
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Toolbox to extract information from Vue component files for documentation generation purposes.
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Babel plugin to add react-docgen info into your code
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TypeScript definitions for jscodeshift
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abstract syntax tree
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Contentful CLI tool
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A browserify transform that allows optional dependencies in try..catch blocks
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Converts JavaScript objects to equivalent ASTs
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Core generator APIs for Apollo Codegen
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A handler for react-docgen that tries to infer the displayName of a component
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Vue components style guide generator
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Expose React component metadata and prop information as GraphQL types
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The disappearing GraphQL clients
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Checkup's core library
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An AMD (i.e. RequireJS) optimizer that's stream-friendly. Made for gulp. (WIP)
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Utilities for AST transformers.
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Core generator APIs for Apollo Codegen
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list require and import paths from a JavaScript source
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Transpiles JavaScript modules from one format to another.
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Core generator APIs for Apollo Codegen
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Utilities for AST transformers.
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Transpiler for use flux with simplicity

Top contributors

benjamn's profile
737 contributions
brieb's profile
145 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
39 contributions
octogonz's profile
12 contributions
greenkeeper[bot]'s profile
12 contributions
gabelevi's profile
11 contributions
eventualbuddha's profile
10 contributions
jamestalmage's profile
7 contributions
cpojer's profile
7 contributions
amasad's profile
6 contributions

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