

Gulp tasks and helpers

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Support the dependencies of battrjs/battr-build

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Bump npm versions with Gulp (
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A gulp plugin for removing files and folders.
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JSHint plugin for gulp
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Merge multiple streams into one stream in order.
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it's gulp + nodemon + convenience
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Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
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Rename files
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Run a series of gulp tasks in order.
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Serve your assets
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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Strip comments from code
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Static analysis tool for JavaScript
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Compile ES2015 with buble
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Rollup plugin to trim trailing spaces, compact empty lines, and normalize line endings
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Rollup plugin to minify generated bundle
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Compile and resolve template strings notation as specified in ES6
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A javascript, stylesheet and webcomponent injection plugin for Gulp, i.e. inject file references into your index.html
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Easiest way to tap into a pipeline
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Scan modules for global variables and inject `import` statements where necessary
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Allows specifying multiple entry points with rollup.

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B-3PO's profile
1 contributions

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