

Shared utilities between sails, waterline, etc.

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Support the dependencies of balderdashy/sails-util

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Like JSON.stringify, but doesn't blow up on circular refs.
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Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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String manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library.
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Normalize callback fns to switchbacks and vice versa

Support the repos that depend on balderdashy/sails-util

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Load models, controllers, services, policies and config from specified directories and inject them into the main Sails app.
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Load micro-APPs (models, controllers, helpers, services, config and policies) from a hook's directory structure or specified directories and inject them into the main Sails app.
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Automizing injection of your [custom Sails.JS] hook's MVC logics (models, controllers, helpers, services, config, policies, views, and assets) from the hook's directory [presuming default structure], or specified directories, into the end-product, Sails.JS powered invention of yours!
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Automizing injection of your [custom Sails.JS] hook's MVC logics (models, controllers, helpers, services, config, policies, views, and assets) from the hook's directory [presuming default structure], or specified directories, into the end-product, Sails.JS powered invention of yours!
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Reversible router for sails.
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Load micro-APPs (models, controllers, helpers, services, config and policies) from a hook's directory structure or specified directories and inject them into the main Sails app.
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a sails hook that will auto-build your sails-must policies for you!
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Automizing injection of your [custom Sails.JS] hook's MVC logics (models, controllers, helpers, services, config, policies, views, and assets) from the hook's directory [presuming default structure], or specified directories, into the end-product, Sails.JS powered invention of yours!
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Sails hook to ensure that only requests made from authorized hosts/IP addresses are allowed
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A sails hook for easily using jsonwebtoken
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json web token authentication system with bcryptjs
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Sails blueprints with sequelize
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Experimental standalone core runtime package for Sails.
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This is a sailsjs library that helps you integrate datatables (Javascript datatables) with your sails app.
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Sails hook for response policies, or responders
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API-driven framework for building realtime apps, using MVC conventions (based on Express and
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json web token authentication system
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API-driven framework for building realtime apps, using MVC conventions (based on Express and - This project is original forked from Sails 0.12.3, we contiue to develop & maintain this version for our productions
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A fork of Sails for minor personal tinkering.
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A sails hook for working with datatable
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Sails blueprints with sequelize for M-M through associations
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API-driven framework for building realtime apps, using MVC conventions (based on Express and, associated with angular2 using server rendering to have a powerful fullstack framework.
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API-driven framework for building realtime apps, using MVC conventions (based on Express and
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API-driven framework for building realtime apps, using MVC conventions (based on Express and
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We.js v2 plugin engine
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A JWT authentication system
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A sails hook for working with jquery datatable
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This is the scafolding module for the eqtribe modules
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Allow Sails to load machines from an `api/actions` folder and load them using machine-as-action
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json web token authentication system
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Installable sailsjs hook that lets you rewire sails components during tests
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Sails V1.5 blueprints with sequelize V6

Top contributors

mikermcneil's profile
22 contributions
sgress454's profile
11 contributions
particlebanana's profile
2 contributions
gpedro's profile
1 contributions
boogerlad's profile
1 contributions

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