

String manipulation helpers for javascript

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Support the dependencies of epeli/underscore.string

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JavaScript sprintf implementation
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browser-side require() the node way
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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LCOV reporter for Mocha
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Command line search and replace utility
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JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
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The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
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Browserify Plugin for Adding Header Comment

Support the repos that depend on epeli/underscore.string

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Gatsby transformer plugin for Markdown using the Remark library and ecosystem
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LoopBack: Open Source Framework for Node.js
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Fast client-side asset builder
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Port of ActiveSupport::Inflector::Inflections for underscore.js
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Shared helpers and utilities.
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Create and remove temporary directories with minimal effort
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Shared utilities between sails, waterline, etc.
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Convert spritesheet data into CSS or CSS pre-processor data
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A simple tool to uglify javascript & css files
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JSON Schema Utilities
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Official Stormpath SDK for Node.js
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HTML prettifier with options to format HTML according to your own preferences.
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Some old grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility.
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Helpers to share among all SPHERE.IO node components.
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FIX Protocol library
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jsbeautifier.org for grunt
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Error handling for Jetti
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A CoffeeScript documentation generator.
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A node module for uploading files to slack using multipart or string
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Easily make command line interfaces using git style subcommands
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Core utils library
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text mining utilities
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Ultimate SVG to webfont converter for Grunt.
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Super lightweight dependency injection
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Require a directory and construct a hash representing the required files. Keys are filenames minus the file extension and the respective values are the exported object.
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Coveo Cloud Services Admininistration Tool Common Package
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A reader of simple text configuration files

Top contributors

esamattis's profile
140 contributions
edtsech's profile
107 contributions
stoeffel's profile
97 contributions
rwz's profile
25 contributions
kossnocorp's profile
20 contributions
megawac's profile
16 contributions
sergiokas's profile
7 contributions
bsimpson's profile
4 contributions
philoye's profile
4 contributions
masklinn's profile
4 contributions

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