

high level amazon s3 client for node.js

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Support the dependencies of auth0/node-s3-client

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AWS SDK for JavaScript
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A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
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A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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Asynchronous recursive file copy utility.
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safely create multiple ReadStream or WriteStream objects from the same file descriptor
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walk a directory tree recursively with events
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dead-simple optimistic async helper
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pipe to a buffer, then create readable streams from it

Support the repos that depend on auth0/node-s3-client

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Package, reuse and share particles for CloudFormation projects
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Tools for building native addons compatible with electron-updater
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A complete tool for building modern Electron applications
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command line utility to go along with s3 module
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A WFM module providing client and backend for file support
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Generate Nanocyte configuration from an Octoblu flow
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Zealder CMS is an open source CMS and theme framework for building multiple web sites and apps.
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Package index HTTP API as a resuable resource lib for Autohost
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Edools apps management tool
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An even higher level library to push files around
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Media API automation by generating different resolutions and (optionally) storing in the cloud
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A library to help the upload to S3
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motor plugin copy
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This plugin allows to notify different parties about new release being deployed, upload files to S3 with or without copies and report changelists
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Deployment for Node and CMS
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Build tools and other shared modules/configs for Synocate
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Serverless Plugin to sync local folders with an S3 bucket
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simple node + s3 url shortener
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Export data from PostgreSQL database to file.
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A complete tool for building modern Electron applications

Top contributors

andrewrk's profile
176 contributions
faceleg's profile
17 contributions
dvalentiate's profile
3 contributions
hzalaz's profile
3 contributions
kacole2's profile
3 contributions
jvtrigueros's profile
2 contributions
afloyd's profile
1 contributions
egtann's profile
1 contributions
fcambus's profile
1 contributions
levyitay's profile
1 contributions

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