

DEPRECATED: use gray-matter instead

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Support the dependencies of assemble/yfm

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The JavaScript Task Runner
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A grunt task for running server side mocha tests
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Grunt plugin for generating a README from templates, including an optional table of contents. No Gruntfile config is necessary, just choose a starter template and you'll be ready to go.
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library.
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Grunt task to download a list of repos from GitHub's API
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Generate RegExp for delimiters, to be used with templates, files or data streams.
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Minimalist Grunt plugin to sync only basic properties between package.json and bower.json

Support the repos that depend on assemble/yfm

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Static Site Generator for Node.js
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A content management system to generate static websites using latest HTML5/CSS3/JS goodness.
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An editor for the AkashaCMS content management system
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Annihilate YAML front matter.
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Concatenate YAML front matter from several files into one object
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An Assemble plugin to convert straight markdown files (with YFM) to into pages.

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jonschlinkert's profile
6 contributions

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