

Anchor asynchronous errors to line where you'd want them to throw.

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A Regex-Based Transpiler Of Source Code To Allow Writing Import And Export Statements And JSX With 0 Dependencies.
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An eslint shareable config for Art Deco Code.
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Run Multiple Yarn Commands In Series.
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Parse a Node.js version and compare with another one.

Support the repos that depend on artdecocode/erotic

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Collect Node.JS Stream Data Into Catchment: Stream With Promise Property Resolved On Finish.
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Make a Promise from a function with a callback and preserve its error stack.
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Write a file to the filesystem.
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The Http(s) Testing Context For Super-Test Style Assertions. Includes Standard Assertions (get, set, assert), And Allows To Be Extended With JSDocumented Custom Assertions.
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An assertion method to check if a sync or async function throws and assert on error properties.
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A web-server in koa2 with MongoDB connection
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A Library To Manage Operations On ElasticSearch.
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A Koa2-Based Web Server With Essential Middleware, Including Sessions, File Upload, Body Parser, CSRF Protection, Logging, Compression, Static Files And Router.

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zavr-1's profile
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z-vr's profile
12 contributions

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