

A Node.JS RegExp-based transpiler of source code.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Create all directories on the way to the path.
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Reads directory structure.
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Collect Node.JS Stream Data Into Catchment: Stream With Promise Property Resolved On Finish.
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Proper Node.JS Package Compiler (And Front-End Code Bundler) With Closure Compiler. Can create a single executable JS file and merge and optimise all dependencies.
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An eslint shareable config for Art Deco Code.
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Run Multiple Yarn Commands In Series.
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A set of rules for ÀLaMode to transpile ES6 export statements into module.exports assignments.
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Source code compiled with alamode.
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Source code transpiled with babel.
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RegExp rules to transpile import statements into require calls (used in ÀLaMode).
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The JSX Transform For ÀLaMode And Other Packages.
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A set of service markers used by alamode, e.g., to cut and paste comments.
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[fork] Generates Source Maps, Works With Google Closure Compiler.
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[fork] Properly Hijack Require In ES6 For Google Closure Compiler.
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A package to clone a file or directory.
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The Collection Of The Methods To Work With The Filesystem.
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Parses Command Line Arguments To Node.JS CLI Programs, Keeps Them In Arguments.xml File To Paste Into README Documentation And Generate Google Closure Compatible Exports.
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Spawn or fork a child process with a promise property resolved on exit with stdout, stderr and code.
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Prints Usage For Node.JS Command-Line Applications.
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A small Node.JS library to determine which stream to use.

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zavr-1's profile
308 contributions
z-vr's profile
33 contributions

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