

A Javascript library for working with native objects.

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Support the dependencies of andrewplummer/sugar

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ECMAScript parser
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
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the most correct and second fastest glob implementation in JavaScript
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`
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A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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A tiny wrapper around Node.js streams.Transform (Streams2/3) to avoid explicit subclassing noise
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yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.
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Simple stream interface for closure compiler, with full pipe support.
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Create vinyl files from a string or buffer and insert into the Gulp pipeline.

Support the repos that depend on andrewplummer/sugar

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An advanced Query String parser that converts values into their correct Data Types and supports Nested Query Parameters.
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Kubernetes client of Node.js
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Storage adapter interface for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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Freunde Von Idden - Node Utils Library
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A set of utility functions for every day use
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Start (and supervise) an Express.js web server using grunt.js, works well with
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Validator adapter interface for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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ECTOR is a learning chatterbot.
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Differ adapter interface for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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Fully auto merging and uglifying a whole NodeJs project into one file with external files option. Thieves lose the module name and structure information, code runs faster. Makes deployement super easy! Also now you can separate your dependencies!
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Compressor adapter interface for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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Serializer adapter interface for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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ConceptNetwork with file persistance.
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Code generator
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Helper library for handling caching of data properties and values
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The next generation Illyria RPC SDK for node.js.
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A tiny, fast and modular node.js web framework. Good for making fast & scalable apps and apis.
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Inline imports/exports for JS/Coffee featuring ES6 & CommonJS syntax support, transforms, conditional & duplicate imports, etc.
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Core tools for pzlr
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Makes commonjs modules available in the browser via window.require('module-name')
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Stub TypeScript definitions entry for Sugar, which provides its own types definitions
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Common model classes used across the full stack of an application
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Osmium DB library
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Storage adapter `global` for `node-document` ODM for Node.js.
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Testem programmatic runner enhanced with Mincer preprocessing
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A querystring parser used in diet. Supports multidimensional arrays & objects. Converts values into their correct data types.
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Market holidays and trading hours.
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A lightweight jQuery plugin for complex two-way data binding in real time.
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Loads packages by an alias/name rather than a path. Paths are allowed, since this is also an extension of standard RequireJS functionality.

Top contributors

andrewplummer's profile
2779 contributions
nadinengland's profile
13 contributions
liangzan's profile
6 contributions
fananta's profile
4 contributions
Mithgol's profile
4 contributions
faridnsh's profile
4 contributions
bungle's profile
3 contributions
davidchambers's profile
3 contributions
eric-wieser's profile
3 contributions
kevincox's profile
3 contributions

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