

secret stack plugin for getting storage usage information

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Support the dependencies of achou11/ssb-storage-used

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minimal pull stream
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TypeScript definitions for node
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Modern native Git hooks
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Universal abstract-level database for Node.js and browsers
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create secure peer to peer networks using secret-handshakes
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The Caps string for accessing the SSB protocol using secret handshake
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A new database for SSB
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keyfile operations for ssb
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test wether a string is a valid ssb reference type
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spec-like TAP reporter
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Temporary file and directory creator
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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binary in-place format
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Add some additional context to a JavaScript error
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a deferred source, sink or through pull-stream
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pull-stream interface to levelup
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Get size of directory
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TypeScript definitions for pull-stream
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Generate a simulated .ssb folder

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achou11's profile
40 contributions
staltz's profile
13 contributions

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