

Simple, robust, ZeroNet tracker (client & server) implementation

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of zeronetjs/bittorent-tracker-zeronet

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Map a BitTorrent peer ID to a human-readable client name and version
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Big number implementation in pure javascript
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Convert BitTorrent compact hostname & port buffer to a string 'hostname:port'
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Lightweight debugging utility for Node.js and the browser
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Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
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A simple O(1) LRU cache
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parse argument options
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Run a function exactly one time
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Iterate values in a list in random order
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random bytes from browserify stand alone
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Run an array of functions in parallel
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Run an array of functions in series
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Safer Node.js Buffer API
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Simplest way to make http get requests. Supports HTTPS, redirects, gzip/deflate, streams in < 100 lines.
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Simple one-to-one WebRTC video/voice and data channels
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Simple, EventEmitter API for WebSockets (browser)
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Convert 'hostname:port' strings to BitTorrent's compact ip/host binary returned by Trackers
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Removes duplicates from a sorted array in place
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Efficiently remove an element from an unordered array without doing a splice
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Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js
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extend like a boss
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Parse a magnet URI and return an object of keys/values
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JavaScript Standard Style
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tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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Sample torrent files for the WebTorrent test suite
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Bencode de/encoder
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Use WebRTC in Node.js via a hidden Electron process

Support the repos that depend on zeronetjs/bittorent-tracker-zeronet

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Discover BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers
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P2P Media Loader core functionality
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P2P Media Loader core - PeerTube fork
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P2P connections with WebTorrent trackers
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P2P Media Loader core functionality
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P2P Media Loader core - Basyton fork
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Javascript p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs for hls
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MAD SCIENCE realtime boot of remote docker images using bittorrent
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MAD SCIENCE realtime boot of remote docker images using bittorrent
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Get health info about a torrent file or magnet link
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A distributed and anonymous network running directly in your browser (and nodejs)
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Javascript p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs for hls
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WebRTC tracker server swarm for P2P applications.
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Peer-to-peer audio publishing and streaming application. Like SoundCloud but decentralized. A mashup of ssb, webtorrent and electron.
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Create http - udp - ws bittorrent tracker whitout database
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Javascript library for Internet Archive Decentralized Web project: Transport
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Making torrents more private and live streaming inside browsers - Dynamic torrent blocklist
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Get health info about a webtorrent file or magnet link
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Scrape information from the bittorrent trackers and the distributed hash table. Given a bittorrent magnet URI, scrapeTorrentStats can check both tracker and the DHT for downloads and peers.
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Starts a simple bittorent tracker for filesharing
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P2P connections with WebTorrent trackers
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Javascript p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs for dash

Top contributors

feross's profile
741 contributions
astro's profile
31 contributions
yciabaud's profile
31 contributions
DiegoRBaquero's profile
18 contributions
greenkeeperio-bot's profile
8 contributions
mafintosh's profile
7 contributions
mkg20001's profile
7 contributions
transitive-bullshit's profile
6 contributions
zunsthy's profile
5 contributions
alxhotel's profile
4 contributions

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