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A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin library

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Support the dependencies of yoyae/bitcore-lib-monoeci

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Big number implementation in pure javascript
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Base 58 encoding / decoding
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Lexicographically compare two buffers.
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EC cryptography
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Browser-friendly inheritance fully compatible with standard node.js inherits()
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browser-side require() the node way
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browserify fs.readFileSync() static asset inliner
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
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SHA 512 secure hashing algorithm
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x11 javascript hashing algorithm in pure javascript
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A helper for common tasks to build bitcore-dash modules'

Support the repos that depend on yoyae/bitcore-lib-monoeci

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A Dash blockchain REST and web socket API service for Bitcore Node.
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Dash Messages for Bitcore-Dash
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ECIES implemented for Bitcore-Dash.
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Dash Messages for Bitcore-sibcoin
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Full node with extended capabilities using Bitcore and Dash Core
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BIP39 Mnemonics implemented for Bitcore.
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Abstract cryptocurrency params
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Full node with extended capabilities using Bitcore and Dash Core
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Interface to the dash P2P network for Jincashcore
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Full node with extended capabilities using Bitcore and Dash Core
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Interface to the dash P2P network for bitcore-dash
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Stores blockchain headers and verifies transactions with SPV
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Add payment channels support to bitcore/dashcore
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Stores blockchain headers and verifies transactions with SPV
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Payment Protocol (BIP70 and related) support for bitcore-dash
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A platform to build Dash and blockchain-based applications.
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Full node with extended capabilities using Bitcore and Dash Core

Top contributors

maraoz's profile
700 contributions
eordano's profile
320 contributions
matiu's profile
170 contributions
chjj's profile
164 contributions
yemel's profile
101 contributions
gasteve's profile
66 contributions
ryanxcharles's profile
42 contributions
Alex-Werner's profile
36 contributions
martindale's profile
35 contributions
olalonde's profile
32 contributions

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