

📃 Webページをそのままの状態でアーカイブするツール

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Support the dependencies of yarnaimo/vanilla-clipper

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fs-extra contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js fs package. Such as recursive mkdir, copy, and remove.
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Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier.
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A JavaScript implementation of many web standards
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JavaScript API to work against complex domain names, subdomains and URIs.
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A universally-unique, lexicographically-sortable, identifier generator
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yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.
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TypeScript definitions for css-tree
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TypeScript definitions for fs-extra
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TypeScript definitions for jsdom
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TypeScript definitions for mime-types
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TypeScript definitions for node
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TypeScript definitions for yargs
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Delightful JavaScript Testing.
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A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
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TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
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Mercury transforms web pages into clean text. Publishers and programmers use it to make the web make sense, and readers use it to read any web article comfortably.
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Launch latest Chrome with the Devtools Protocol port open
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A porting of scala monocle library to TypeScript
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Database using JSON file as storage for Node.JS
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TypeScript definitions for html-minifier
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TypeScript definitions for signale
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TypeScript definitions for tldjs
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Stub TypeScript definitions entry for node-json-db, which provides its own types definitions

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yarnaimo's profile
97 contributions

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