

A better console.log for the log-driven debugging junkies

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Support the dependencies of xpl/ololog

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A JavaScript ANSI color/style management. ANSI parsing. ANSI to CSS. Small, clean, no dependencies.
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Function sequencing reloaded
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A little helper for handling strings containing zero width control characters, ANSI styling, whitespaces, newlines, 💩, etc.
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Parses call stacks. Reads sources. Clean & filtered output. Sourcemaps. Node & browsers.
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Appends a bullet before string (to mimick lists in ASCII)
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A small, simple yet powerful JavaScript object stringifier / pretty-printer
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Babel plugin for transforming ES2017 features Object.entries and Object.keys
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A Babel preset for each environment.
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browser-side require() the node way
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BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
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takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to coveralls.io
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Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests and browser tests. Built for scale
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simple, flexible, fun test framework
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the Istanbul command line interface

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xpl's profile
401 contributions
ourarash's profile
6 contributions
dependabot[bot]'s profile
2 contributions

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