

Some commonly used gulp pipelines (connected task collections) for web front-end developments.

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Support the dependencies of wulechuan/javascript-wulechuan-gulp-3-common-pipeline-presets

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An extension of glob, allowing you to provide one or more patterns to match.
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Rename files
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Stylus plugin for gulp
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Node.JS path module
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pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
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[PROJECT DEPRECATED] Please refer to "@wulechuan/printer-for-errors-of-gulp-plugins".
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A file/glob lazy watchers controller, with scopes defined, each said scope a watcher.
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此为吴乐川的《HTML 文章排版与配色之方案集与相关制作工具》。本工具可用于构建一组层叠样式表(即 CSS )文件。本工具亦提供了一组现成的层叠样式表文件。凡这些样式表,均可用于美化超文本标记语言(即 HTML)格式的文章。于单一文章,不必同时取用多个样式表文件,仅取其一足矣。
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Search folder tree upwards and locate the nearest npm project root folder, returning the parsed package.json as an object.

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