

Community site SPA based on ReactJS

MIT License
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Support the dependencies of wridder/react-spa

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A library to augment objects and prototypes
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Immutable Data Collections
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JavaScript library for DOM operations
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A markdown parser built for speed
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React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
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A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
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React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
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Declarative routing for React
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Facebook's TapEventPlugin, temporarily available on npm until its made public in their repo
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A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API (fork from setimmediate)
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Realtime application framework client
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Custom parser for ESLint
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babel module loader for webpack
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connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response
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CSScomb is a coding style formatter for CSS.
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Conditionally run a task
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JSHint plugin for gulp
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Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins
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A string replace plugin for gulp
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Gulp plugin for sass
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Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
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A declarative, nested, stateful document.title for React
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React PureRenderMixin replacement for immutable-js library
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Zero configuration loading spinner.
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A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture inspired by ReactJS Flux
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Javascript markdown parsing, made simple
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A cache proxy plugin for Gulp
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js-beautify for Gulp
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A gulp plugin to extend (merge) JSON contents
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The gulp plugin `gulp-order` allows you to reorder a stream of files using the same syntax as of `gulp.src`.
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Pre-render React components at compile time. E.g. SomePage.jsx -> some-page.html

Top contributors

WRidder's profile
131 contributions
ariabuckles's profile
1 contributions
gitter-badger's profile
1 contributions
orthographic-pedant's profile
1 contributions

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